It all kicks off

On a regular Tuesday night at the boozer at the end of May we decided it would be a great idea to visit all the pubs within a mile of Edinburgh Castle, just because we wanted to know which pubs you could see the castle from, and the only way to prove it was to visit each one. We set ourselves a generous date of the end of May 2014 to get them all ticked off. After all, there couldn’t be that many, right?

It turns out there are at least 240 pubs! We all got cold feet and started thinking up all sorts of excuses and short-cuts, and we’ve essentially been putting it off ever since.

That all changes tonight, as five of us have agreed to get the ball rolling, but we’ve revised the date to the end of July 2014 instead. For now all we’ve got are some rules (far too many if you ask me) scribbled on the Sacred Napkin, and a spreadsheet of what pubs we’ve done. I’ll attempt to blog each pub individually here for the public record, assuming the tour doesn’t break me first. I’m not sure if my wallet, missus, or liver are going to appreciate it.

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